101 Zen Stories

Koan practise is an ancient Zen tradition that can be applied in different ways. Koans are presented by Zen masters and teachers, either to students or others. Its purpose can be a to point the focus on a particular koan during mediation, or simply to teach. These 'koans' were short stories, dialogues or questions.

  1. 101 Zen Koans
  2. 101 Zen Stories Pdf

ZEN STORIES TO TELL YOUR NEIGHBOURS 7 Get any book for free on: www.Abika.com WASN'T very enlightened.' 'I guess the scholar felt he was done with his studies, and didn't need his books anymore.' 'All systems of knowledge (conceptual beliefs), including this one, limit perception.' 'I don't know what enlightenment is, but I do know that you. A colection of Zen stories and parables from various books: Zen Flesh Zen Bones, Zen Stories To Tell Your Neighbors, Zen Fables For Today, Zen Antics, The Teachings of the Buddha,. And other sources. To get the Book in PDF format, click: 101 Zen stories (293 KB). A few stories from this book.

Words of Wisdom


The book '101 Zen Stories', later also known as 'Zen Flesh, Zen Bones' came out in 1919.

A collection of all 101 Zen stories of wisdom, including wonderful dialogues and inspiring anecdotes.

1. A Cup of Tea
2. Finding a Diamond on a Muddy Road
3. Is That So?
4. Obedience
5. If You Love, Love Openly
6. No Loving - Kindness
7. Annoucement
8. Great Waves
9. The Moon Cannot Be Stolen
10. The Last Poem of Hoshin
11. The Story of Shunkai
12. Happy Chinaman
13. A Buddha
14. Muddy Road
15. Shoan and His Mother
16. Not Far From Buddhahood
17. Stingy in Teaching
18. A Parable
19. The First Principle
20. A Mother's Advice
21. The Sound of One Hand
22. My Heart Burns Like Fire
23. Eshun's Departure
24. Reciting Sutras
25. Three Days More
26. Trading Dialogue For Lodging
27. The Voice of Happiness
28. Open Your Own Treasure House
29. No Water, No Moon
30. Calling Card
31. Everything is Best
32. Inch Time Foot Gem
33. Mokusen's Hand

34. A Smile in His Lifetime
35. Every-Minute Zen
36. Flower Shower
37. Publishing the Sutras
38. Gisho's Work
39. Sleeping in the Daytime
40. In Dreamland
41. Joshu's Zen
42. The Dead Man's Answer
43. Zen in a Beggar's Life
44. The Thief Who Became a Disciple
45. Right and Wrong
46. How Grass & Trees Become Enlightened
47. The Stingy Artist
48. Accurate Proportion
49. Black-Nosed Buddha
50. Ryonen's Clear Realization
51. Sour Miso
52. Your Light May Go Out
53. The Giver Should Be Thankful
54. The Last Will and Testament
55. The Tea-Master and The Assassin
56. The True Path
57. The Gates of Paradise
58. Arresting the Stone Buddha
59. Soldiers of Humanity
60. The Tunnel
61. Gudo and the Emperor
62. In the Hands of Destiny
63. Killing
64. Kasan Sweat
65. The Subjugation of a Ghost
66. Children of His Majesty

67. What Are You Doing!
68. One Note of Zen
69. Eating the Blame
70. The Most Valuable Thing in the World
71. Learning to Be Silent
72. The Blockhead Lord
73. Ten Successors
74. True Reformation
75. Temper
76. The Stone Mind
77. No Attachment to Dust
78. Real Prosperity
79. Incense Burner
80. The Real Miracle
81. Just Go to Sleep
82. Nothing Exists
83. No Work, No Food
84. True Friends
85. Time to Die
86. The Living Buddha & the Tubmaker
87. Three Kinds of Disciples
88. How to Write a Chinese Poem
89. Zen Dialogue
90. The Last Rap
91. The Taste of Banzo's Sword
92. Fire-Poker Zen
93. Storyteller's Zen
94. Midnight Excursion
95. A Letter to a Dying Man
96. A Drop of Water
97. Teaching the Ultimate
98. Non-Attachment
99. Tosui's Vinegar

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101 Zen Stories

(The Gateless Gate )



101 Zen Stories

101 Zen Koans

1. A Cup of Tea
2. Finding a Diamond on a Muddy Road
3. Is That So?
4. Obedience
5. If You Love, Love Openly
6. No Loving - Kindness
7. Annoucement
8. Great Waves
9. The Moon Cannot Be Stolen
10. The Last Poem of Hoshin
11. The Story of Shunkai
12. Happy Chinaman
13. A Buddha
14. Muddy Road
15. Shoan and His Mother
16. Not Far From Buddhahood
17. Stingy in Teaching
18. A Parable
19. The First Principle
20. A Mother's Advice


21. The Sound of One Hand
22. My Heart Burns Like Fire
23. Eshun's Departure
24. Reciting Sutras
25. Three Days More
26. Trading Dialogue For Lodging
27. The Voice of Happiness
28. Open Your Own Treasure House
29. No Water, No Moon
30. Calling Card
31. Everything is Best
32. Inch Time Foot Gem
33. Mokusen's Hand
34. A Smile in His Lifetime
35. Every-Minute Zen
36. Flower Shower
37. Publishing the Sutras
38. Gisho's Work
39. Sleeping in the Daytime
40. In Dreamland


41. Joshu's Zen
42. The Dead Man's Answer
43. Zen in a Beggar's Life
44. The Thief Who Became a Disciple
45. Right and Wrong
46. How Grass and Trees Become Enlightened
47. The Stingy Artist
48. Accurate Proportion
49. Black-Nosed Buddha
50. Ryonen's Clear Realization
51. Sour Miso
52. Your Light May Go Out
53. The Giver Should Be Thankful
54. The Last Will and Testament
55. The Tea-Master and The Assassin
56. The True Path
57. The Gates of Paradise
58. Arresting the Stone Buddha
59. Soldiers of Humanity
60. The Tunnel

61. Gudo and the Emperor
62. In the Hands of Destiny
63. Killing
64. Kasan Sweat
65. The Subjugation of a Ghost
66. Children of His Majesty
67. What Are You Doing! What Are You Saying!
68. One Note of Zen
69. Eating the Blame
70. The Most Valuable Thing in the World
71. Learning to Be Silent
72. The Blockhead Lord
73. Ten Successors
74. True Reformation
75. Temper
76. The Stone Mind
77. No Attachment to Dust
78. Real Prosperity
79. Incense Burner
80. The Real Miracle


81. Just Go to Sleep
82. Nothing Exists
83. No Work, No Food
84. True Friends
85. Time to Die
86. The Living Buddha and the Tubmaker
87. Three Kinds of Disciples
88. How to Write a Chinese Poem
89. Zen Dialogue
90. The Last Rap
91. The Taste of Banzo's Sword
92. Fire-Poker Zen
93. Storyteller's Zen
94. Midnight Excursion
95. A Letter to a Dying Man
96. A Drop of Water
97. Teaching the Ultimate
98. Non-Attachment
99. Tosui's Vinegar
100. The Silent Temple
101. Buddha's Zen

101 Zen Stories Pdf





Layout: Nhi Tuong
Update : 01-12-2002