Phpstorm Zoom Scroll

In this video I will show you, how you can change the text size of the Android Studio editor, but also of the menu and all other texts within the IntelliJ ID. The main reason for the slowness of PHPStorm is the high memory usage. If free memory is not available, there can be a significant decrease in performance. Regarding pricing, it depends on the term the user subscribes to the IDE. Hi Julia, This is not a map. It gives a preview of the code pointed by the mouse on the scrollbar, but is does not display the schema of the code. I am able to change my PHP Storm (version 8.0.3 or later) Fonts by Go to File and then click Settings. Form Left Side Menu, Select Editor - General Tab Check this box under Mouse section Change font size (zoom) with CtrlMouse Wheel (see below pic).

Leaflet.js: Use ctrl + scroll to zoom the map & Move map with two fingers on mobile

leaflet disable scroll zoom
leaflet static map
javascript offline map
leaflet js auto zoom
interactive map js
leaflet zoom increments
leaflet fixed zoom

I'm using ... is it possible to only:

  1. Use ctrl + scroll to zoom the map

  2. Move map with two fingers on mobile/tablet

... so similar what google maps does? With the comments ...

So far thats my setup:

zoom map using ctrl + zoom. I did in custom way .html code is below



In simple way when user scroll on map then detect ctrl button is pressed or not then just I add one class that will showing message on map. and prevent screen zoom-in and zoom-out outside of map.

Leaflet mouse wheel zoom only after click on map, When interacting with a map, for many use cases the user also needs to click the <script src='path/to/leaflet-sleep.js'></script> and you'll have a map like this. Does anybody know how to disable the CTRL + Scroll? First when the mouse wheel was moved the Map would Zoom in/out. But now it asks to press CTRL + Mouse Wheel Scroll to Zoom in/out. How do we di

There is an amazing library that does exactly that. Leaflet.GestureHandling

It is an add on to leaflet that works right of the box, it's also modular and can be installed using npm.

Here's a working example using leaflet and GestureHandling.You can try it also on mobile.

P.S. It has multiple languages baked in:)

elmarquis/Leaflet.GestureHandling: Brings the basic , Brings the basic functionality of Google Maps Gesture Handling into Leaflet. Prevents The user is prompted to use ctrl+scroll to zoom the map. On Mobile type='text/css'> <script src='js/leaflet-gesture-handling.min.js'></script>. Or load this Brings the basic functionality of Google Maps Gesture Handling into Leaflet. Prevents users from getting trapped on the map when scrolling a long page. On Desktop. The map ignores the mouse scroll wheel. The user is prompted to use ctrl+scroll to zoom the map. On Mobile / Touch devices. The map ignores single fingered dragging.

I managed to solve your second problem.

I used css for displaying the message using a ::after pseudo selector.

And javascript to capture the touch events.

It checks if the type is a touchevent and if you are using 1 finger, if so it adds the class to the map with the message. If you use more than one finger it removes the class.

Working demo I suggest you using a mobile device.


First Ctrl+Scroll doesn't work · Issue #5 · elmarquis/Leaflet , First time that Ctrl+Mouse-wheel-scroll is used, the event seems to I am using Windows 10 and it happens both in Firefox and Chrome. No, with Google Maps JS API and enabling the cooperative gesture it works perfect. In simple way when user scroll on map then detect ctrl button is pressed or not then just I add one class that will showing message on map. and prevent screen zoom-in and zoom-out outside of map. share | improve this answer

Leaflet.GestureHandling Example, Normally you'd get to the map then find the map starts zooming or panning. If there's scroll wheel. The user is prompted to use ctrl+scroll to zoom the map. cooperative: The user must swipe with one finger to scroll the page and two fingers to pan the map. If the user swipes the map with one finger, an overlay appears on the map, with a prompt telling the user to use two fingers to move the map. On desktop applications, users can zoom or pan the map by scrolling while pressing a modifier key

CTRL + mouse scroll to zoom map - Website, If you switch to leaflet maps on firefox, it still works the old way. Have a look at Google maps is to hold the left click down and use scroll wheel at the I'm trying to remove the zoom controls (+/-) on a LeafletJS map. I'm using the MapBox.js version of Leaflet but most of the operations are the same as Leaflet. I implement my map like this: var

Controlling Zoom and Pan | Maps JavaScript API, This tutorial shows you how to customize the way users interact with your map. Learn to control whether your users can zoom and pan the map, and also whether The demo below allows the page to scroll normally, without affecting the map. Used to open popups in certain places of the map. Use Map#openPopup to open popups while making sure that only one popup is open at one time (recommended for usability), or use Map#addLayer to open as many as you want. Usage example. If you want to just bind a popup to marker click and then open it, it's really easy:


Phpstorm Zoom Scroll Saw

  •… a very similar solution to your ctrl + scroll
  • I really would dig a leaflet plugin that just does what google map does - IMHO it has a perfect solution (drag with two fingers for mobile, ctrl-scroll for desktop).
  • A leaflet plug-in is now available!
  • Incorrect Behaviour in Microsoft Edge is yet to be resolved.
  • Mind that you should set map.dragging = false to prevent one-finger panning

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Is there a way to set the mouse wheel scrolling speed for an editor window? I think it's too fast. I'm running IntelliJ IDEA 8.1.4 on Mac OS 10.6.2.

There is no option for this feature

How can I configure mouse wheel speed? – IDEs Support (IntelliJ , The mouse wheel speed is slower than in other editors.(about half) How can I set the mouse scroll speed? The mouse wheel speed is slower than in other editors.(about half) How can I set the mouse scroll speed?

Ok this is no answer for Mac OS, but for Linux. I didn't find the relevant question for Linux yet, so I give a try here.

In IntelliJ IDEA 2018.1.1 when I go to editor or console, mouse wheel scrolling means this: go down or up in the list by 3 lines for each single wheel 'snap in'. I had no luck to find a an option in IDEA itself to adjust this number.

In my case this is too slow. To get this fixed, I did:

Add the following to ~/.imwheelrc

Please consider, that 10 is multipled by IDEA's 3, so the resulting wheel speed is 30. Then, restart imwheel by

Focus-Proxy is the window class, which was told to me by

How to get mouse wheel to scroll one line or 3 , I'm on a Mac and I've figured out how to get the mousewheel to scroll consistently inertial acceleration from Accessibility settings), but it only scrolls like 2 pixels per notch in PHPStorm even with Scrolling Speed turned up. Once you’ve found the sweet spot for your scroll wheel, hit “Apply”, and you’re done. Which scroll speed is right for you will be based on your mouse and your own personal preference. If you’re constantly scanning through Twitter at light speed and want as many refreshes as you can get per minute, a higher scroll speed should do the job.

To get a precise scroll (very useful when comparing files), you can use Smooth Scroller plugin:

Phpstorm Zoom Scrolling

To scroll in larger steps, use Fast-Scrolling plugin:

You can use both plugins together, to make mouse scroll smooth and precise by default, whereas scrolling with CTRL key, makes it scroll faster.

Fast-Scrolling, Fast-Scrolling is a small plugin, that allows you to scroll up and down faster in a big file, by holding a If you any problems try to change the hotkey to [ALT]. Home: scroll to top (don't move cursor, can use Cmd+Up to move cursor) End: scroll to bottom (don't move cursor, can use Cmd+Down to move cursor) PageUp: scroll up one page (don't move cursor) PageDown: scroll down one page (don't move cursor) Ctrl-L: return to cursor (and centre vertically if possible)

Just in case any windows 10 users stumble upon here.

Settings -> Mouse -> Choose how many lines to scroll each time

Set to 3.

Smooth Scroller, Version 1.3.0 - Add Scroll Multiplier setting to the options. Version 1.2.0 - Support all editors of class TextEditor. Version 1.1.1 - Allow install on all IntelliJ based What keeps me annoying is, that although my scrolling speed is set to fast in Windows settings, whenever i open a pdf file and zoom a little bit in to fit the screen, Adobe changes the wheel-scrolling speed of my mouse to very slow.

(Linux) How to change the amount of scrolling in the IDEA editor , Under Linux/KDE, I can set (like all OS) the amount of scrolling when the mouse wheel is moved.But like the double-click speed, IDEA does If you want to increase/decrease scrolling speed to inspect a large file Windows helps you to adjust this speed according to your needs. In Windows the default scroll value for the Mouse wheel is

Trouble with scroll of tabs – IDEs Support (IntelliJ Platform), It takes more actions for scroll in IntelliJ IDEA, when tabs scroll is a more simple in another software. Can I disable this behaviour? What setting if Scrolling through documents, web pages, and other data with a trackpad or mouse is one of the most common computing tasks and used gestures.By default, the scrolling speed on a Mac is not particularly speedy, but with some settings changes you can customize the scrolling rate in Mac OS X for both a Mac trackpad and a two-finger scroll, or a mouse connected to a Mac with a scroll wheel.

IntelliJ mouse scrolling is quick/choppy with update to macOS Sierra , I tried setting the scroll speed in the OS to its lowest setting, but the behavior is still the same. IntelliJ IDEA 2016.2.4. Build #IC-162.2032.8, built Windows 10 comes set to move a page 3 lines with one click on a mouse wheel. That’s sort of mild, so I changed mine a while back to scroll 6 lines per click. This is a very realistic setting because it’s just enough, but not too much.

Phpstorm Zoom Scroller

  • Thanks for this answer, I was totally stuck on the useless xprop WM_CLASS solution for finding the window name.
  • 'Focus-Proxy' for me was also what I got for window name, but the rule seems to affect every window.
  • Oh, nvm - --debug also lets me see what regexes match and which ones don't. This works as expected.
  • A link to a solution is welcome, but please ensure your answer is useful without it: add context around the link so your fellow users will have some idea what it is and why it’s there, then quote the most relevant part of the page you're linking to in case the target page is unavailable. Answers that are little more than a link may be deleted.
  • @Shree, no inner 'how to', just a download links to those plugins from jetbrains (I installed it in pyCharm)

Phpstorm Ctrl Scroll Zoom

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