Terminus Sublime


Terminus Sublime Packages

Use (Windows) Terminals within Sublime Text 3 such as: Command Prompt, Git Bash, Google Cloud SDK Shell, etc - James231/Terminals-In-Sublime-Text. There's a command in the command palette labelled Terminus Utilities: Generate User Theme that forces a regeneration of the custom theme information, which may. A terminal for a more modern age. DOWNLOAD GITHUB. A terminal for a more modern age. DOWNLOAD GITHUB.

Sublime Terminal Window

  • Console Exec

    Run a Sublime Text command in a console window. Supports both Sublime Text 2 & 3.
  • FileManager

    ⚡️ A Sublime Text 3 package to help with file (duplicate, move, create...) ⚡️
  • Fix Mac Path

    A Sublime Text 2/3 plugin to set the PATH correctly on OS X
  • Glue

    Glue is a plugin that joins your shell to Sublime Text in quasi-perfect harmony.
  • Launch

  • Prevent Duplicate Windows

    Sublime Text 3 to prevent duplicate windows from being opened
  • SendText

    A Sublime Text plugin to send text to a terminal or other program
  • Send to Shell

    Sublime Text package to send text to an external shell running Ipython
  • ShellVE

    Automagically opens a shell with a project's virtual environment already started.
  • Terminal

    Launch terminals from the current file or the root project folder
  • Terminality

    A Sublime Text 3 Plugin for Sublime Text's Internal Console
  • TerminalView

    Terminal inside Sublime Text 3 view
  • Terminus

  • termX

    MacTerminal is a SublimeText plugin. It opens new Terminal tab (on current or new window if necessary). It's working with Terminal and iTerm.
  • Tint

  • tmux

    Open tmux windows at the current file or project folder in Sublime Text