
After many years of practice at a Soto zendo, in late 2017 I began a very intense year with a Rinzai/Soto mix zendo about 2 hours north of me. I drove up frequently to meet with my teacher, attended sesshins (5 in total!) and participate in classes. I also hosted a local sitting group affiliate and acted as the organization's registrar. It culminated with Jukai in December 2018, after which - unfortunately - the organization imploded due to mounting disputes between its multiple teachers. It was dismaying, and I opted out of the drama.

Dokusan is a very important part of Zen practice. This video details dokusan protocol in the Sanbo-Zen lineage. Yamada Ryoun Roshi, Abbot of Sanbo-Zen Inte. Dokusan is Buddhist spiritual guidance for inquirers of Buddhist prospective related to their spiritual practice. Inquirers bring their questions about meditation.

I missed sitting with a Sangha, though, and recently found my way here. Two curious questions:
  1. When one receives Jukai and then switches sanghas, what is the protocol? Is it common to to do Jukai again and sew a new rakusu? Just sew a new rakusu? Neither? Both?
  2. What is the dokusan recommendation in Tree Leaf? (Or is there one?) Honestly, I'm looking for a community more than a teacher, but it feels like there should be a connection to the latter to be fully engaged with the former (?).

[Sorry! More than 3 sentances..]

What is dokusan?

Download cypress keyboards driver. Dokusan is an individual meeting with a person who is fully ordained as a Zen priest and teacher.

Who gives dokusan?

Dokusan Definition

At All Beings Zen our resident teacher is Rev. Inryu Bobbi Ponce-Barger, Sensei.She is able to offer dokusan. Our guiding teacher Dairyu Michael Wenger offers dokusan when he is here leading retreats. Or sometimes we have a visiting Dharma- transmitted teacher visiting who will offer Dokusan (In past years Steve Weintraub and John Bailes have visited and offered Dokusan).

Who can ask for a dokusan meeting?

Anyone is welcome to ask for receive dokusan.

What do you talk about?

Dokusan is a practice of authentic meeting. It is an opportunity to discuss your meditation practice and how it applies to your daily life. It is fine to bring up a problem or question, or you can just describe your practice. You do not have to be profound or “zen”. Just be yourself.

When is dokusan?

Download einstruction driver. Dokusan is offered during the weekly zazen schedule and during retreats, and also outside the regular schedule by request. Phone dokusan is available for those out-of-town or who cannot come to the zendo.

DokusanDokusan etiquette

How often do you have dokusan?

If you are practicing regularly with All Beings Zen Sangha, it is recommended to have dokusan about once a month. It is helpful to develop a connection with one our teachers. In our sangha we do not have a formal process for becoming a student of a particular teacher. This is something that evolves over time through practicing together, but it is good to discuss your commitment to practice with a teacher.

How long is dokusan?

Dokusan usually takes 5-15 minutes, occasionally longer. Sometimes during retreats we practice having very short focused dokusan.

How do I “sign up”?

Doku san otomotiv

This varies depending on the setting. Usually the teacher’s jisha (attendant) will announce when dokusan will begin during Sesshin (longer retreats) and what procedure to follow. During weekly zazen just speak to or email Inryu. You can arrange for a phone dokusan by contacting the her directly.

What is the form for dokusan?

Dokusan Etiquette

When you enter the dokusan room you do a full prostration before the altar, and a standing bow (gassho) before the teacher, and the reverse when you are finished. This helps to create a container of trust in which both parties can give full attention to meeting each other, supported by the truth of the Buddha Dharma.

Is dokusan confidential?

Dokusan is private and confidential within limits. The limits to confidentiality are: 1) when the individual expresses intention to harm self or other, 2) when a teacher seeks peer consultation from another teacher. The resident teachers do consult each other from time to time, and may consult their own teacher occasionally, in order to best support sangha members. This is standard practice in major Zen centers. When an individual requests complete confidentiality, we will respect that request, as long as there is no risk to that person or another.

How doe I “sign up” for Dokusan?You can contact Inryū Sensei

What is practice discussion?

Practice discussion is an opportunity to discuss your practice with a dharma mentor in a less formal setting than dokusan. As with dokusan, anyone is welcome to have practice discussion.

Who gives practice discussion?

Those who have served as the Shuso (head monk) for a practice period can offer practice discussion. The shuso can be an ordained priest or a lay practitioner. Currently All Beings Zen Sangha has two people who are lay practitioners who have served as Shuso; Myoshin Carlos Moura and Shinren Mark Stone.

When is practice discussion?

Sometimes practice discussion is incorporated into retreats, but mostly it takes place outside regular zazen time. It can take place at the zendo, at an outside location, or by phone.

How do I “sign up” for practice discussion?

You can contact Myoshin to schedule a practice discussion with him.

You can contact Shinren to schedule a practice discussion with him