Opengl After Effects

Opengl After EffectsSoftware

Khronos Group Releases Vulkan 1.2

The Khronos Group announces the release of the Vulkan 1.2 specification for GPU acceleration. This release integrates 23 proven extensions into the core Vulkan API, bringing significant developer-requested access to new hardware functionality, improved application performance, and enhanced API usability. Multiple GPU vendors have certified conformant implementations, and significant open source tooling is expected during January 2020. Vulkan continues to evolve by listening to developer needs, shipping new functionality as extensions, and then consolidating extensions that receive positive developer feedback into a unified core API specification. Khronos and the Vulkan community will support Vulkan 1.2 in a wide range of open source compilers, tools, and debuggers by the end of January 2020. Driver release updates will be posted on the Vulkan Public Release Tracker.

After Effects および Adobe Premiere Pro 用の次世代のスキンレタッチプラグイン。顔検出などの高度なテクニックを使用し、顔の重要な特徴を押さえながら自動的に肌のトーンを識別します。After Effects と Premiere Pro でのビデオ映像の修正作業がかつてないほど簡単に。. How to Enable AMD GPU in After EffectsWell a lot of Laptop and PC users around the world are using AMD GPUs which give a better money-value as compared to Nv.

Find more information on the Vulkan 1.2 specification and associated tests and tools at:

Opengl Commands After Effects

  • Khronos’ Vulkan Resource Page
  • Sample code can be found in the Vulkan Unified Samples Repository
  • Khronos welcomes feedback on Vulkan 1.2 from the developer community through:
  • A tutorial on Vulkan Timeline Semaphore
  • Updates on HLSL support in Vulkan
  • Download Vulkan 1.2 Presentation
  • Vulkan 1.2 Apparel

Opengl After Effects Project

Jan 15, 2020 | Read article... | Permalink